Upcoming Meetings

Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month, 7:30 pm (dates may change due to holiday weekends – see the list of dates below) at the Lambeth United Church located on the corner of Colonel Talbot Road and Main Street in Lambeth. http://www.lambethunitedchurch.ca   


Due to our unpredictable weather our January and February meetings will be held by Zoom with a start time of 7:30 p.m.  Members will be sent the link and more information closer to the meeting date.   


January 20, 2025                    Ken Brown      ” Vertical Vegetables”   

Be prepared to watch and hear how Ken tosses out the normal concept of a vegetable garden and demonstrates how the colours and textures of food producing plants can also add aesthetic appeal to a garden.

Ken will show us a range of innovative, yet simple and inexpensive ways to utilize the vertical space above our gardens to multiply the quantity and range of tasty foods.

February 17, 2025                  Jackie Morra     

                                     “Using Indoor Plants in Outdoor Shade Containers”

Jackie has been featured in media (interviews, television, presentations etc) and many special events across Canada. She will share tips and tricks, and provide inspiration of using indoor plants in our outdoor containers



March 17, 2025                    Waiting for confirmation from invited speaker

To be Updated Once Confirmed

Design:     “Top of the Evening” – An All Green Design.


The rest of the speaker roster is being developed based on input from members.  The topics will be updated once confirmed so stay tuned!