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Rose and Flower Show 2014 – Awards list

Rose &  Flower Show “Downton Abbey Traditions”

June 18, 2014   Awards List

Award Winner
1. Best Rose in the show The Maud Hill Silver Bowl Sarah Kelly
2. Best Large Flowered Rose Red Rose Tea Trophy  (Sec. A) Michael Coleby
3. Best Clustered Flowered Rose The Margaret and Cecil Wright Trophy (Sec. B) Maureen Coleby
4. Best Climbing Rose The Charlotte & Harold DeLagran Award (Sec.C) John Obeda
5. Best Miniature Rose The Bob Whitlock Award (Sec D &E) Sarah Kelly
6. Best Antique Rose The Harry McGee Award (Sec.F) John Obeda
7. Best Shrub Rose The Evelyn & Melvin Jenkinson Award (Sec. H) Sarah Kelly
8. Best Overall in Design Classes The Reg & Ruth Dodson Award (Sec.L) Irina Code
9. Highest Points in Design Classes The Joyce McGee Award (Sec.L) Crystal Trojec
10. Highest Points in Cut Flowers The Mary Galloway Award (Sec.K) Veronica Richards
11. Highest Points in the Show The Lambeth Horticultural Society Award Sarah Kelly
12. Highest Points for Roses entered by a Novice The Wm. Saunders Rose Society Award Marg Holmes


Poster R&F show 2014


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