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Garden Tour 2014

The Lambeth Horticultural Society have their
Garden Tour every other year.This year will be our 14th tour!
SUNDAY JULY 13, 2014, 1-5 pm
Join us for a relaxing afternoon visiting the lovely gardens.
You will also have the opportunity to exchange tips and ideas.
Look for the OPEN GARDEN sign in the front yard on the day of the tour.
Flyers will be available at the Lambeth Public Library, 7112 Beattie St. July 3 to 12

The Tour is F R E E! of charge and held Rain or Shine

Get map here
or pick up a map on July 13 at 2335 Main St. from 12:45 to 4 pm

383 Wharncliffe Road North – Map Number 6
A very large back yard filled with a large variety of plants and ornamental features. There is a pond, a stream, and sitting area’s to relax in.

383 Wharncliffe Rd.N_A
383 Wharncliffe Rd.N_B

60 Foster AvenueMap Number 5
A front yard packed with beautiful lilies greets you, and a visit to the backyard will take you to “hosta heaven”.

60 Foster AveB
60 Foser Ave

4 Novelle CourtMap Number 4
Snapdragons abound in this garden. You will love the imaginative whimsical vignettes throughout the garden.  Take a peek in the shed that does double duty as an art studio for the grandchildren.

4 Novelle Court_B
4 Novelle Court_A

520 Huntington PlaceMap Number 3
Between the beautiful roses and perennials, this garden contains a very large variety of edible plants and trees to admire, heal and nurture. Ask Sophia and she will teach you all about them

520 Huntington Pl_A
520 Huntington Pl_B

3117 Morgan AvenueMap Number 2
It is hard to believe that this garden is only 2 years old with such a large variety of perennial plant material, all carefully chosen and placed.

3117 Morgan Ave_B
3117 Morgan Ave_A

5 Woods Edge CloseMap Number 1
Descend into this back yard and you will enter a dream world of shade loving plants and trees. Take the bridge over the dry river bed and meander through swaths of carefully placed plants and flowers adorned with many interesting sculptures and artifacts.

5 Woods Edge Close_A
5 Woods Edge Close_B


Rose and Flower Show 2014 – Awards list

Rose &  Flower Show “Downton Abbey Traditions”

June 18, 2014   Awards List

Award Winner
1. Best Rose in the show The Maud Hill Silver Bowl Sarah Kelly
2. Best Large Flowered Rose Red Rose Tea Trophy  (Sec. A) Michael Coleby
3. Best Clustered Flowered Rose The Margaret and Cecil Wright Trophy (Sec. B) Maureen Coleby
4. Best Climbing Rose The Charlotte & Harold DeLagran Award (Sec.C) John Obeda
5. Best Miniature Rose The Bob Whitlock Award (Sec D &E) Sarah Kelly
6. Best Antique Rose The Harry McGee Award (Sec.F) John Obeda
7. Best Shrub Rose The Evelyn & Melvin Jenkinson Award (Sec. H) Sarah Kelly
8. Best Overall in Design Classes The Reg & Ruth Dodson Award (Sec.L) Irina Code
9. Highest Points in Design Classes The Joyce McGee Award (Sec.L) Crystal Trojec
10. Highest Points in Cut Flowers The Mary Galloway Award (Sec.K) Veronica Richards
11. Highest Points in the Show The Lambeth Horticultural Society Award Sarah Kelly
12. Highest Points for Roses entered by a Novice The Wm. Saunders Rose Society Award Marg Holmes


Poster R&F show 2014


Pesticide allert


Pollinators are the animals that pollinate over 90% of all flowering plants, and primarily include bees, flies, buterlfies, moths, and other insects.  “These beneficial insects are under pressure from loss of habitat, loss of food sources, disease, and pesticides” Pollination Guelph
According to a recent study by the Friends of the Earth, most of the plants sold at garden centres are contaminated by pesticides called NEONICOTINOIDS.  Neonicotinoids are poisons that impair the nervous system of insects and are linked to the decline of pollinators.  Neonicotinoids permeate all parts of a plant including the nectar and pollen.  Unfortunately, pollinators collect this poisoned nectar and pollen to bring back to others in their hives and dwellings.
Grow bee-friendly plants, preferably native species, in your gardens.
Ask garden centres to sell neonicotinoid-free vegetable and bedding plants. Let the nursery know you will not buy plants grown with these pesticides.
More information at the Ontario Beekeepers Association.
Purchase organic vegetable and bedding plants or grow your plants from untreated seeds for your vegetable and flower gardens.
Buy organic food whenever possible.  Organic growing methods are much less harmful to pollinators.
A.C.E. (Advisory committee to the environment) has approached the City of London on providing more forage and habitat areas in park lands and the creation of habitat corridors between forage areas.


January 24, 2018: The most recent recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented to a gardening Fanshawe College student was Jennifer Hornick.  The awards ceremony and reception was held at the college. Jennifer has completed the Horticultural Technician program at the college and has been working at Parkway Gardens, but will be leaving in March to further her horticultural training at the Niagara Parks horticultural school.  She is the first Fanshawe graduate in quite a few years to attend this well known shcool.  We wish Jennifer well in all her future endeavours.

November 19, 2016: Elizabeth Lazear is the most recent recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society award presented to a graduating student at Fanshawe College.  Elizabeth came to Fanshawe already having worked 15 years in the restaurant and management sector.  She has a strong interest in conservation and environmental concerns.  She intends to pursue smart design with a focus on xeriscape and native plants.  She currently works for Live Landscape and John’s Nursery and volunteers for the Grand River Motorcycle Ride for Dad and the Dog Guide Foundation of Canada.  WE wish Elizabeth good success with her future.

June 21, 2016: Congratulations to Jamie Fletcher, a Lambeth resident and recent graduate of B. Davison Secondary School.  Jamie is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award, presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the horticultural program at the school.  She received other awards, including a Green Industries Award (grade 11) and some leadership recognition.   Jamie plans to spend some time helping on the family farm and has an interest in working with children.  We wish Jamie all the best in her future endeavours.

November 26, 2014: London’s Fanshawe College held an Academic Awards Ceremony for the Faculty of Arts, Media and Design on Wednesday, November 26.  We congratulate Hilary Sivyer as the recipient of Lambeth Horticultural Society award.  This award goes to a graduating student in the Horticultrual programme, who deserves recognition.  Hilary is continuing in another course in the Horticultural programme, now focusing on Landscape Design.  President Jo-Anne Smith represented the Society at the ceremony.

October 2013: Congratulations to Justin Parsons, a recent graduate of Sir George Ross Secondary School.  At the school’s October Awards and Commencement program, Justin was the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award.  This is presented to a graduating student who shows interest and skill in the Horticultural program.  Justin also received the Transportation award for the school.  We wish him well with his future endeavours.

January 21, 2013: Lambeth Horticultural Society member Marie Galloway was surprised with the presentation of the President’s Award at the January general meeting.  Marie recently retired as a Director after many years as the Registrar for the Society.
Using her secretarial experience and organizational skills developed as a secretary with the London School board, Marie streamlined the registration process.  Many members appreciated her personal touch in keeping them aware of activities.
Orchids are one of Marie’s area of expertise, her greenhouse is often “in bloom”.  She shows and helps at Orchid Show presentations.  While we will miss Marie on the Board of Directors we will continue to enjoy seeing her at monthly meetings and benefit from her experience with special events.
Thank you Marie for your devotion to the Lambeth Horticultural Society.

October 25, 2012: The 2012 Senior Awards and Commencement Program for Sir George Ross Secondary School was held on October 25.  The Lambeth Horticultural Society donates an award to a graduating student from the horticultural program.
this year, the recipient was Zachary Tait.  Congratulations to Zachary! May your future be filled with success and happiness.

November 23, 2011:  Congratulations to Charlie Briggs, a graduate of Fanshawe College in London.
Charlie is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the November 23rd commencement exercises.  This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Fanshawe College.  Best Wishes to Charlie with his future endeavours in Thunder Bay.

October 20, 2011: Congratulations to Madeline Graham, a graduate of Sir George Ross Secondary School in London.
Madeline is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the October 20th commencement exercises.  This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Sir George Ross Secondary.  Best wishes to Madeline with her future endeavours.

June 18, 2011: Congratulations to  Aaron Jarry, a graduate of Thames Secondary School.
Aaron is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the June 16th commencement exercises. This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Thames Secondary. Best wishes to Aaron with his future endeavours.

Protect Our Streams & Rivers -plant a rain garden

A Rain garden is
a shallow, bowl-shaped bed (6 -12″ deep), planted near a building or paved surface. When it rains, water from downspouts is directed to the rain garden where it soaks into the ground over the following day or two and replenishes our precious drinking water aquifers.

Rain gardens soak up stormwater before it becomes a problem. Typically rain in urban areas runs off across paved surfaces, picking up pollutants like pet waste, fertilizer, cigarette butts, fuels and solvents and deposits them, untreated into the nearest lake or stream via the storm sewer. The result is often closed beaches, endangered aquatic life and compromised drinking source waters.

is an online gallery of beautiful rain gardens from across the province, country and hopefully, the world. By displaying images of rain gardens we hope to inspire viewers to do the same – build a rain garden and start soaking up stormwater and protecting our water!

PictureRaingardentour.ca is a project of Green Communities Canada. For more information about Green Communities’ initiatives that are taking action to protect streams and rivers, visit www.slowrain.ca 

Rose And Flower Shows of the past

2o13 Rose And Flower Show Awards

2012 Rose And Flower Show Awards

Garden Tour “THANK YOU”

The Lambeth Horticultural Society would like to thank all the hosts and hostess’ for opening up their gardens for our Garden tour.  We realize all the hard work involved in making your garden so beautiful.
Thank you also to all the people that came out to support our tour.  We hope you had an enjoyable day.

Sunday, July 8, 2012  1 – 5 pm  Rain or Shine

The Lambeth Horticultural Society will be hosting a Garden Tour at the following homes. This is a great opportunity for you to exchange tips and ideas with fellow gardeners.

Look for the OPEN GARDEN signs at the front yards on the day of the tour.

6816 Beattie Street (Lambeth)
What you might notice first upon arriving at this garden is the beautiful large flowering dogwood beside the walk.  Another feast for your eyes awaits you as you enter the back garden where one of the highlights is the display of massive hostas draped by a variety of clematis vines.  Don’t miss seeing the water reservoir behind the garage.

Enter this immaculate garden by strolling up the flagstone path and then beside the retaining wall to reach the focus of the landscape – the back yard.  Imagine yourself poolside gazing over to the large vegetable garden on the far side and then to the lovely display of roses.  Decorating the fence and dmeonstrating a touch of whimsey are brightly painted pails full of colourful annuals.  Relax and enjoy the view in all directions.

66 Bruce Street (London)
This front yard has a warm cottage atmosphere with beautiful perennials, shrubs and vines filling the entire front yard. The lovely shaded back yard and deck contain a great variety of perennials creating a soothing retreat.


344 Malcolm Street (London)

This backyard is filled with fantasy with numerous imaginative touches. If you have an interest in ponds, this is a must see.  The ponds were created by the homeowner and contain fish and plants.  There is a sophisticated rain barrel system that has also been engineered by the home owner.

344 Malcolm St.


60 Foster Avenue (London)
Lilies will greet you at the front, grasses will sweep you along and hosta’s will endear you at this creative and whimsical garden.

603 Cayley Drive (London)
It is quite apparent that there is a great deal of knowledge and experience behind this garden.  Interesting trees, shrubs, perennials, creative touches and the biggest rhubarb you have ever seen.  You will learn a great deal from this garden.


Flyers are available on Sunday from 12:45 to 4:00 pm at 2335 Main Street (Lambeth) London.
Corner of Main Street and Campbell Street in front of Greenhills Pharmacy.

For more information, please contact Carmen Branchflower 519-652-9638 or Rena Armstrong 519-439-5394
or email: inquire@lambethhort.com

“The Trillium” – get your copy

Do you read The Trillium”….the Ontario Horticultural Association newsletter, published four times a year? It is full of interesting articles and news from other societies across Ontario. It is really inspiring and enlightening……each society receives 2 copies of each issue and one copy goes on our Library cart. However, you can have your own copy by mail for $15. a year or have it for free via e-mail. Just contact Linda Hugli at – editor@gardenontario.org – or Linda Hugli, 181 Garson-Coniston Rd., Garson, On. P3L 1G3 and enjoy. You’ll be pleasantly surprised and inspired.  Ruth Dodson


Rose & Flower Show 2013 – Results

The 38th Annual Rose & Flower Show: Theme “Back to the Farm”
Saturday, June 15 2013  – download the schedule here.
Congratulations to the winners who received the following
Special Awards:
Best Rose in the Show (Maud Hill Silver Bowl) – Barbara Holmes
Best Large Flowered Rose (Red Rose Tea Trophy) – Barbara Holmes
Best Clustered Flowered Rose (The Margaret & Cecil Wright Trophy) – Sarah Kelly
Best Climbing Rose (The Charlotte & Harold DeLagran Award) – Sophia Borowski
Best Miniature Rose (The Bob Whitlock Award) – Sarah Kelly
Best Antique Rose (The Harry McGee Award) – Eva Norman-Vestergaard
Best Shrub Rose (The Evelyn & Melvin Jenkinson Award) – Roland Craig
Best Overall in Design Classes (The Reg & Ruth Dodson Award) – Crystal Troyek
Highest Points in Design Classes (The Joyce McGee Award) – Crystal Troyek
Highest Points in Cut Flowers (The Mary Galloway Award) – Veronica Richard
Highest Points in the Show (The Lambeth Horticultural Society Award)- Sarah Kelly
Highest Points for Roses entered by a novice
(Wm.Saunders Rose Society Award) – Pat Darcey
Children’s Award – Pedro Kriecke

Rose and Flower Show 2012-Results

SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2012 – Rose and Flower Show – Summer ‘Stalk’ Theatre

The Rose and Flower Show was a wonderful success.
The weather was perfect, the entries superb and the tea and treats delicious.
We were honoured to have Jeff Yurek (MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London) to open the show.

Here are the trophy winners for the 37th Rose and Flower Show for 2012

Antoinette Chaleyssin – BEST ROSE IN THE SHOW – The Maud Hill Silver Bowl
Sarah Kelly – BEST LARGE FLOWERED ROSE IN THE SHOW – Red Rose Tea Trophy
The Margaret & Cecil Wright Trophy
Sophia Borowski – BEST CLIMBING ROSE IN THE SHOW – The Charlotte & Harold DeLagran Award
Sarah Kelly – BEST MINIATURE ROSE IN THE SHOW – The Bob Whitlock Award
Sophia Borowski – BEST ANTIQUE ROSE IN THE SHOW – The Harry McGee Award
Basil Kelly – BEST SHRUB ROSE IN THE SHOW – The Evelyn & Melvin Jenkinson Award
Lynne Schmidt – BEST OVERALL IN THE DESIGN DIVISION – The Reg & Ruth Dodson Award
Betty Lou Simpson – HIGHEST POINTS IN THE DESIGN DIVISION – The Joyce McGee Award
Veronica Richard – HIGHEST POINTS IN THE CUT FLOWERS – The Mary Galloway Award
Sarah Kelly – HIGHEST POINTS IN THE SHOW – The Lambeth Horticultural Society Award
                                                                                               The Wm.Saunders Rose Society Award

DESIGN CLASSES: “Spot Light” – A miniature design of fresh material.  Not more than 5″ in any direction, before a white background























































Download the Schedule here.

email: inquire@lambethhort.com


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